Okanagan Researcher, Vol. 17 (2), December 2000 1882 British Columbia Directory
Submitted by Robert M. Hayes
The following is a description of the Mission (Okanagan) Valley and a list of some of its inhabitants, as found in the British Columbia Directory of 1882. Area covered is the length of the Okanagan Valley, from present-day Penticton north to Vernon.
MISSION VALLEY – is reached by a trail from Hope 160 miles, and by wagon road from Kamloops and Spallumcheen, the former 100 miles and the latter 56. The Valley runs north from the Mission 40 miles, and is bounded on the west by Okanagan Lake, and on the east by a range of high hills, a large portion of which is excellent for grazing purposes. Abundance of farming land open for pre-emption. Fruit of all kinds grown in a temperate climate, do well. All varieties of cereal thrive to perfection. Irrigation necessary. One store, 2 blacksmith shops, 4 flour mills, saw mill with planer attached, 1 school, 1 church (Roman Catholic), and post office. Prairie farms, or timbered, to suit settlers. Well watered; dry climate; moderate winters. Owing to the large amount of stock kept by settlers, the ranges will not afford enough food for winter, consequently it is necessary to feed stock during a portion of the year. Extensive bottom lands provide abundance of wild hay. Market for produce limited. Most settlers keep a great number of hogs, which pay well. Weekly mail 9 months. Roman Catholic Mission stationed here – Rev. Fathers Richards (sic) and Chispini. Cherry Creek Silver Mines about 60 miles distant. Good prospects; one company at work. Okanagan Lake from 1 to 3 miles wide, 80 miles in length, and navigable. It is expected that a canal will be made from head of Lake to Spallumcheen River, when a magnificent stretch of navigation will be opened, so as to afford a good outlet for produce in connection with the Railway construction now proceeding….
Andrews, Joseph (farmer; Priest’s Valley)
Bercier, Louis (herder; Priest’s Valley)
Best, Arthur (farmer)
Brent, Frederick (farmer and mill owner)
Brent, Joseph (farmer)
Brent, Louis (farmer)
Brewer, Charles (farmer; Priest’s Valley)
Boucherie, Isadore (farmer and stockraiser)
Cain, William (labourer)
Campbell, Ronald (labourer)
Casey, James (labourer; Priest’s Valley)
Christien, Charles (labourer)
Christien, Joseph (farmer and stockraiser)
Christien, Louis (farmer; Priest’s Valley)
Clark, W.H. (stockraiser)
Daley, John (labourer; Coldstream)
Delorier, Amos (farmer; Priest’s Valley)
Dewear, Aeneas (farmer)
Douley, George (labourer)
Duteau, Vincent (farmer; Coldstream)
Ellis, Thomas (J. P; farmer; Penticton)
Ellison, Price (blacksmith; Priest’s Valley)
Fulton, James (farmer)
Gillard, Augustus (farmer; Mission)
Girourard, Luc (farmer; Priest’s Valley)
Greenhow, Thomas (farmer and trader)
Herbert, Octave (farmer and stockraiser)
Heywood, John (miner; Mission)
Johns, Joseph (farmer; Coldstream)
Jones, David (carpenter; Mission)
Jones, Thomas (farmer; Mission)
Jones, William (carpenter; Mission)
Keefer, George (farmer; Coldstream)
Keogan, Michael (farmer; Dog Lake)
Kopp, V. (miner; Dog Lake)
Lambert, Stephen (labourer; Priest’s Valley)
Lawrence, Charles (carpenter; Mission)
Lawrence, Joseph (labourer; Mission)
Lawson, Charles (farmer; Priest’s Valley)
Lefavre, Alphonse (farmer)
Leman, Frank (farmer)
Lequime, Bernard (farmer)
Lequime, Eli (trader, hotel keeper, and post master)
Lequime, Gaston (farmer; Mission)
Lumby, Moses (J.P.)
Lyons, James (farmer; Priest Valley)
McAdamson, Donald (miner; Coldstream)
McCanlay, George (farmer; Coldstream)
McDougall, Alex (farmer; Mission)
McDougall, David (farmer; Mission)
McDougall, E. (farmer; Mission)
McDougall, John (farmer; Mission)
McInnis, John (farmer; Mission)
McKenzie, John (labourer; Coldstream)
McNeil, Alfred (herder; Priest’s Valley)
Moore, J.B. (farmer; Mission)
Nicholson, Daniel (blacksmith; Mission)
O’Keefe, Cornelius (farmer, stockraiser, trader, and post master)
Ortolan, Francois (farmer; Mission)
Postill, Alfred (farmer, stockraiser, and mill owner; Mission)
Postill, Edward (farmer, stockraiser, and mill owner; Mission)
Postill, William (farmer, stockraiser, and mill owner; Mission)
Powers, John (labourer; Coldstream)
Seymour, George (labourer)
Simpson, George (farmer; Mission)
Smith, William (labourer)
Thibeau, Peter (farmer)
Tronson, E.J. (farmer, stockraiser, and mill owner; Priest’s Valley)
Vance, Alexander (stockraiser; Priest’s Valley)
Vernon, Forbes, G. (farmer and stockraiser; Coldstream)
Verselle, Louis (labourer; Mission)
Walker, George (farmer; Coldstream)
Walters, John (labourer)
Whelan, George (farmer and stockraiser; Mission)
Williams, James (farmer)
Wood, Thomas (J. P., stockraiser, Winfield Lodge; Mission)
North Okanagan = Priest’s Valley and Coldstream
Central Okanagan = Mission
South Okanagan = Penticton and Dog (Skaha) Lake