We will endeavour to answer queries that are related to people, a place, or times in the Central Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. If you require information for other locals please send your request to the nearest genealogical society.
Queries Policy
Queries will be handled by the volunteer queries chairperson. Relatively short answers will be sent to the enquirer, but any query requiring more research will be charged to the person requesting the information.
- Queries will cover the Central Okanagan area only.
- Our query volunteers are not professional genealogists. They are volunteers with a passion for family research.
- Queries that are beyond the scope of our volunteer services will not be considered. The query requester will be advised to consult a professional family researcher.
- There is no guarantee that research will result in the information that is requested.
- KDGS members are invited to place queries in the newsletter
- The applicant will fill out the Queries Form
- Queries will be answered in a timely manner
- Local basic resources will be checked and the person will be notified as to what is available
- The Queries chair will estimate the time to research and find the answers requested. The process and fee structure will be discussed with the applicant before proceeding. Fees will be collected before proceeding with the research.
Fee Structure
Initial Contact | No charge for up to 15 minutes of research to check what is available |
Up to 2 hours of research | $20 flat rate |
Further research | Discuss with client how much is needed & what they are looking for and are willing to pay |
Postage and handling | Current rate at time of mailing |
Photocopying | 10 cents (black & white), 50 cents (colour) per page/document |
Mileage | 40 cents a kilometre |
Obituaries | $5 each |