Here are some exciting new databases through the Family Search (free) website at

Historical Digital Book Collection: find this link by clicking on the heading, SEARCH > BOOKS (there are almost 26,000 books in this collection).

Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925: this was the database I read about in my Kent OGS Journal (many people in the southwestern corner of Ontario either married in Michigan or migrated to Michigan); find this database by clicking the link above.

Not only will you find Michigan Marriages in this quickly growing collection (see above) but for those of you struggling with Eastern European research, there are some records for countries such as, Czech Republic, Hungary and Russia (not to mention Germany and Norway); records continue to be added, so check often! Go to FamilySearch site and click on Search in the bar > click on the map for your area of interest.

Ancestry Card Catalogue: From your home computer you can view the list of databases in the entire Ancestry collection by using the Ancestry Card Catalogue Search Engine; find this by clicking on the SEARCH heading on the Ancestry homepage (; then click on CARD CATALOG under the heading SEARCH RESOURCES on the upper right of the page; rather than using the Search Engine on the main Ancestry page, try narrowing your searches to individual databases.