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May 2024 General Meeting

Organize Like an Archivist:

Nancy Loe is a genealogist and has worked professionally in libraries and archives for four decades. She holds dual Master’s degrees from The Catholic University of America in American History and in Library Science with a specialization in archives administration and was fortunate to be able to intern twice at the Smithsonian Institution. Nancy has managed academic special collections and archives in California. She has appeared on PBS’s American Experience and California’s Gold as well as the Travel Channel. Nancy has presented at numerous conferences. Including RootsTech and the National Genealogical Society and has given presentations internationally.


Bite-size: Adobe Express for Genealogy, presenter Gord Hotchkiss

February 2024 General Meeting

Accessing Ancestry: The Roots, The Branches, and The Trees – Cyndi Ingle presenter is no longer available


Bite-size: Internet Archives and the Wayback Machine, presenter, KDGS member, Xenia Stanford

November 2023 General Meeting

The War of 1812-1815: Essential Sources for Family History Research – recording no longer available.


Bite-size:  How the 3rd Battalion of the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada shop holes through My Brick Wall, presenter KDGS member, Steve Hall

May 2023 General Meeting

“Bite-size” talk: Genealogy Societies around the World, presented by Heather Clifton – Genealogy societies are a great resource for anyone interested in family history research, as they offer access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise, as well as opportunities for networking and collaboration with other genealogists.  There are many genealogy societies around the world, each with its own unique focus and resources and Heather will be identifying some of those that are popular.

March 2023 General Meeting

The following video is only available to our members.

Main Topic: “Honoring Your Ancestors” presenter Sue Sullivan of Maple Ridge – Sorry, this video is not longer available

Bite-Size Genealogy: “Itsy Bitsy Life Stories” presenter Dorothy Blunden
