

Benefits of becoming a member

The Kelowna & District Genealogy Society membership year runs from September 1 to August 31.(Payments received in May and June will be applied to the next membership year.)

  • Monthly meetings September to November, January to May via Zoom; December and June, in-person social meetings. Meetings are where you get to meet people who care about history and learn about building your family history
  • Join one of our Special Interest Groups where members with similar research objectives meet for discussions via Zoom.
  • Vote at the Annual General Meeting for the Executive we are a volunteer-run organization.
  • Receive our newsletter, The Okanagan Researcher: our quarterly newsletter is full of great articles and news. Members can post free queries. This newsletter is sent to libraries and genealogy societies throughout North America  who knows who will see your query or article?
  • KDGS Website, Members-Only Pages: Our members have access to several videos from our Family History Forums and speakers plus other information.
  • Reduced fees for conferences and workshops offered by KDGS
  • Genealogy Journals and Newsletters: We subscribe to many journals and newsletters from across Canada and beyond. Most of these are now in digital format. Our members receive them all via email!
  • Our genealogy grapevine keeps you abreast of all the latest family history news via email: DNA sales, free access to paid website events, genealogy presentations online, new genealogy databases and projects, etc.
  • Obituary Project: Our ongoing obituaries for Central Okanagan persons offers digital copies of obituaries for free to members (non-members must pay $10 per obituaries)
  • Let’s Talk Genealogy: Monthly Zoom meetings which are a forum for our members to ask questions and get the answers from our experts! These meetings are in-person during the summer months – held in a local park.

Annual fees are:
Single – $40

Family Membership – $45
(Two people living at the same address receiving one copy of The Okanagan Researcher.)

Become a member