Special Interest Groups

The Kelowna & District Genealogical Society sponsors Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for its members. SIGs provide an opportunity for KDGS members with specific research interests to meet and exchange ideas and information. SIGs can be related to a specific location, for example England, Eastern Europe or a specific research topic, for example DNA, FamilyTreeMaker software.

ENGLAND SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP meets on the third Monday of the month at 1pm via Zoom. Members are asked to submit questions or problems the week before so they can be sent out to others who may have some solutions. Topics for discussion and the Zoom link are sent out a week before the meeting. All topics of discussion are decided by the attendees ahead of time.

FAMILY TREE MAKER SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP meets via Zoom the first Wednesday of each month, 10am – 12 noon. This group is a place for newcomers to learn how to use the basics of Family Tree Maker software. Beginning users can learn more about the capabilities of the program and advanced users can learn about data management and housekeeping features.

SWEDEN SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP, meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month via Zoom at 2pm to discuss ongoing research, share new websites and interesting sources. Though the main focus is Sweden, some Norwegian research is discussed.

DNA SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP meets the last Monday of the month at 10am via Zoom. Discussions include changes to commercial DNA websites, new websites, member queries and problems, mini workshops and member successes.

EASTERN EUROPE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP, covers Central and Eastern European topics and helps people find their roots in these regions. The group meets the last Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. Meetings can include discussions of specific records, case studies, presentations or brick wall busting.

LET’S TALK GENEALOGY, meets via Zoom the third Thursday of each month, October to April, 7-8:30pm. This group is a chance for new and experienced genealogists to ask and answer questions, a place to discuss your finds, get help with brick walls or just come and enjoy the genealogy conversation. The session is open, unscripted and never the same.

Our newest SIG is the WRITING SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP which will lead members with topics and writing prompts to write their own story. The group meets via Zoom, the second Wednesday of each month, 10 am to 12 noon to read their stories to the group. We do not critique the stories.

LEGACY FAMILY TREE SOFTWARE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP meets periodically to learn how use the software, entering information, reports available, capabilities of the program and answer questions about using the software.

COFFEE MEETINGS AND GENEALOGISTS IN THE PARK are on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. From Sep – May we meet for coffee in the restaurant at the Ramada Inn, 2170 Harvey Avenue at 10am. In June, July and August we meet at Guisachan Heritage Park, 1060 Cameron Avenue, 10am.

For more information about SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS, email info@kdgs.ca.

Special Interest Groups are an extra advantage available at no extra cost to KDGS members in good standing.


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