Derbyshire News
For those with British ancestry the Yesterdays site has thousands of names of persons who appear on official documents
as found in Derbyshire, a central County of England. A lot of those persons were either born or lived outside the County but for one reason or another were in Derbyshire and have their names recorded on varying documents.

A section on Law and Order lists all types of misdemeanors, whilst the Rogues and Vagabonds were whipped on their way to all parts of Britain. Settlement Certificates and Examinations along with Removal Order may help locate where a person came from. Alternatively. if you have “lost” someone they may help you find where they went.

Irish History

Evermore families are becoming interested in discovering and uncovering their family history and tracing their roots. With this in mind, Antrim and Newtownabbey can provide a number of sources to help you in your search.